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Fitting Gaudi with the ESP

The Next Level of Freeform

The Gaudi Hyper Geometric Scleral gives you the ability to design lenses for more complex cases, resulting in improved vision and unmatched comfort. The Gaudi lens can solve fitting problems caused by both corneal and scleral irregularities such as high amounts of toricity, pinguecula, scars, corneal asymmetry and more.

The unique hypergeometric feature allows you to carefully choose the degree of customization and find a perfect balance between the fit and manufacturing cost of the lens, bringing you an incredibly cost-effective freeform scleral lens design.


From Image Acquisition to Manufacturing in One Step

DirectConnect™ is a new key feature of the Eye Surface Profiler (ESP). With the push of a button, the ESP instantly sends the detailed eye measurement, with over 500,000 data points, to the lab's lens design software or directly to their consultation team.

Using the Eye Surface Profiler to fit Gaudi


DirectConnect Webinar | Eaglet Eye & Valley Contax | July 27, 2022

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See DirectConnect™ in Action

Give your patients the perfect Gaudi fit

Experience how the Eye Surface Profiler improves your patients’ eye-care experience.

  • Clear examples of real cases
  • 3 easy steps to fit the Gaudi lenses
  • Learn how to read the results like a pro

The demo is customized around you

Get answers to your specific questions and find out why the ESP is the right choice for fitting the GAUDI sclerals.

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