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OVITZ HOA Sclerals with the ESP

Wavefront Correction. Made Easy.

Combining advanced wavefront aberrometry measurement seamlessly with lens manufacturer lathe machine software, OVITZ xwave delivers the world’s first closed-loop wavefront-guided contact lens production system. The production process is automated, errorless, and cost-effective.

By combining ESP Profilometry data with OVITZ xwave Aberrometry (Wavefront) data you can create even more precise scleral lenses for HOA correction. This leads to better vision and happier patients.

Scleral lenses for HOA control have never been more successful

Scleral contact lenses are ideally suited to customize HOA correction because — when appropriately fitted — they remain stable on the eye. OVITZ has demonstrated superior patient satisfaction and reduction in HOA using the OVITZ wavefront-guided HOA optics when combined with stable, well-fitted scleral lenses.

Total Freedom

Corneo-scleral profilometry to personalize the back surface landing zone.

Wavefront correction for customized optics at the front surface.

Your lens, your choice: OVITZ and Eaglet Eye are lab-neutral platforms.

OVITZ xwave aberrometry system
eyeball with a profilometry map

Complete Corneo-Scleral Measurement
Scleral shapes are highly irregular, precise ocular mapping is essential.

Well Centred and Stable Scleral Fit
Leveraging the ESP’s advanced data reduces the need for multiple fittings.

An eyeball in 3D with a lens flying to it.

Complete Ocular HOA Measurement
Corneal HOA alone is not enough, we measure the entire visual system.

eyeball anatomy with aberrometry scans. 3D image.

Proprietary HOA Lens Design Algorithm
Using the patient’s HOA profile and eye data to create a custom HOA lens design.

OVITZ Precise Correction on the Accurate Axis

Precise Correction on the Accurate Axis
Submillimeter differences can are crucial for an outstanding outcome.

From Image Acquisition to Manufacturing in One Step

DirectConnect™ is a new key feature of the Eye Surface Profiler (ESP). With the push of a button, the ESP instantly sends the detailed eye measurement, with over 500,000 data points, to the lab's lens design software or directly to their consultation team.

When precision meets innovation

Schedule an Online Demo

See DirectConnect™ in Action

Give your HOA patients the perfect fit

Experience how the Eye Surface Profiler improves your patients’ eye-care experience.

  • Clear examples of real cases
  • 3 easy steps to fit the any lenses you choose
  • Learn how to read the results like a pro

The demo is customized around you

Get answers to your specific questions and find out why the ESP is the right choice for fitting the scleral lenses for HOA correction.

Request an Online Demo